
For just about all of us the idea of having a cosmetic treatment without surgery is very appealing. Some of us even have complaints that have to do with the way we look that are uncorrectable by surgery. Thanks to mesotherapy we can now improve our looks through a non-surgical approach that has proven successful over the years.


What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy, pioneered by the French physician Dr. Michel Pistor in the 1950s, is the injection of vitamins, minerals, medications, and amino acids in the mesoderm (middle layer of the skin). All medicines used in mesotherapy are FDA approved. Mesotherapy has a variety of applications including fat removal, cellulite removal, face and neck rejuvenation, and hair re-growth. Consequently, the injected solution is individually prepared depending on its purpose. Mesotherapy is administered only into the problematic area, avoiding the side-effects of taking oral medications.


Fat Removal (Lipo-Dissolve)

Mesotherapy can rid your body of lumpy areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise like the abdomen, love handles, inner and outer thighs, calves, arms, butt and the double chin. The injections are given right into your problem areas modifying the biology of the fat cell by blocking the signals of fat accumulation triggering the release of stored fat. In simpler words, the mesotherapy formula blocks the cells from storing fat and helps break down the existing fat cells. Vitamins and amino acids act on tightening the skin while the other agents remove the fat. Then the fat is
discharged the same way you lose weight, excreting fat in waste. Using mesotherapy along with decreasing your fat and carbohydrate intake through food and exercise gives best results. The process of fat removal usually requires 5 to 15 sessions according to the amount of fat, your body's speed of response and your desired goal.

Cellulite Removal

Cellulite is the dimpling appearance of the skin often known as the "orange peal", where your skin appears to be like that of the orange. Cellulite is mostly found in women age 20 and above and unfortunately once found can't be treated with exercise or diet. Cellulite is not associated with obesity; you may be in shape and still have cellulite. Cellulite is caused by poor blood circulation, enlarged fat cells, weakening of connective tissues, lymphatic congestion and hormonal imbalances. Mesotherapy can rid your body of cellulite by improving your blood circulation, strengthening your connective tissues, and dissolving excess fat. The process of correcting cellulite usually requires 10 to 15 sessions.

Hair Re-growth

Hair loss or "Alopecia" affects both men and women at any age. The reasons behind hair loss can be attributed to nutritional imbalance like severe dieting, or not eating the proper food, poor blood circulation, and/or an excess in a hormone known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Mesotherapy can stimulate hair re-growth by correcting the cause of hair loss, stimulating the body to naturally grow lost hair. It is important to note that mesotherapy can't cure baldness caused by genetic factors, or cause more hair to grow than that which has been lost. The process of correcting hair loss usually requires 8 to 10 sessions.


Face and Neck Rejuvenation

Aging, sagging and wrinkling of the skin occurs from the accumulation of fat, loss of skin elasticity and excessive toxins. By injecting a mesotherapy formula rich in vitamins and antioxidants you can prevent and/or avoid the further formation of wrinkles, uneven skin pigmentation and skin sagging. Vitamins provide the sufficient nourishment that improves the skin pigmentation, elasticity and metabolism. While the antioxidants rid your face from the toxins that cause wrinkles. By Using the Lipo-dissolve formula, mesotherapy can remove fat from under the neck like the double chin, tighten loose skin and define the cheeks and jowl by removing the area of fat between them. The effects rejuvenate the face and neck providing a more youthful, more defined face contour.

Are You a Good Candidate for Mesotherapy?

Just about anyone who's healthy and above 18 can have mesotherapy for any of its intended purposes. For fat removal you need to be of average weight (not obese) in order to find your mesotherapy results significant. Otherwise you may be advised to have other more radical procedures like liposuction or tummy tuck or thigh tuck. You also need to have a balanced diet, low in fat and carbohydrates and exercise for best results.

Preparing for Your Session

Before your session Dr. Metwally will perform a complete evaluation with you. He will listen to your goals and concerns and tell you the effect mesotherapy can have in your treatment. Dr. Metwally will need to know your medical history and if you are on any medication/s that could prohibit your treatment with mesotherapy. In the cases of fat removal, measurements are taken to monitor your progress.

Duration of the Treatment

For all mesotherapy treatments, whether for fat removal, cellulite removal, hair re-growth or face rejuvenation an average of 5 to 15 sessions is needed. The number of sessions vary according to the type of treatment and the candidate's particular case and are usually 10 days to 2 weeks apart. One session takes between 5 to 30 minutes according to the size and number of areas being treated. In general, mesotherapy injection is a very quick, almost painless procedure.

Anesthesia Used

No anesthesia is needed for mesotherapy since it's injected through a very thin needle. Numbing cream may be used prior to the injection.

During Your Session

During your session the area being treated is injected with the mesotherapy formula into the middle layer of the skin that contains the fat and connective tissue. The formula is injected through a number of injections until the area being treated is totally covered.

After Your Session

After your session there will be a mild stinging sensation for the first 24 hours. Some redness and swelling may appear at the injected area this normally subsides within 48 hours of the completion of your session. You may resume your normal daily activities, shower or exercise as you please. Just avoid using any chemical like bleaching materials or artificial tanning lotions for the first 72 hours after your session.

Seeing Your Result

Usually the result of mesotherapy doesn't start to show except after your 2nd or 3rd session. Each mesotherapy session after that will start showing effect. For fat removal you may start noticing that the area being treated is getting smaller and firmer. Usually you can lose up to 1 cm of fat from 2 successive sessions after the 2nd one. For face rejuvenation, you will start noticing that your skin tone is getting better after the 2nd or 3rd session. For cellulite removal and hair re-growth, you may not start seeing results before the 4th session. In general, exercising and having a balanced food intake low in fat and carbohydrates makes fat removal by mesotherapy produce faster more rewarding results.